Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Google Gravity effects and using trick

7:30 PM

Google gravity is funny trick of Google which was launched back March 18, 2009. Google gravity is not a new feature anymore but it might be interesting for new users. I think Google experiment on the quote George Burns-“Everything that goes up must come down but there comes a time when not everything that’s down can come up.”This is really funny and you wouldn’t expect this from serious company like Google. However, Stop wasting time lets play with Gravity.

What is Google Gravity?

You know that Google gravity is fun trick and it’s is perfect combination of Javascript and extension box2d-js which let you play with Google homepage.
In Google Gravity all the Pages, Logo everything  would behave as if it is subjected to Gravitational Pull. As results, Every element of Google would be falling down. Lets know how to use Google gravity-

* Way-One: Google gravity can be used at Google Homepage. This is official way use it. Follow those steps-
  • First go to https://www.google.com
  • Make sure Google instant search is turn off.
  • Now simply write Google gravity on box,
  • Click on I’m Feeling Lucky
  • Move your mouse and enjoy.
*Way-02: This alternative of enjoy Google Gravity and this kind fun using Eloog.
  • Go to http://elgoog.im/gravity
  • And make fun.

Google Gravity effects

Google gravity has some awesome effect to have more fun with it.

  1. Pull and drop: Falling the elements from top , end of gravity circus. No quote is wrong. This start. Hold any piece and throw anywhere and have fun.
  2. Jumping the effect: While window restored then quickly maximize the window and enjoy a jumping dance.
  3. Super power effect: Pick biggest element of page like google logo or Box and hit to enjoy most powerful stroke.
  4. Working fun: In gravity all the links works. You can enjoy and finish your work in gravity.

Let's Play here with Google Gravity

Google Gravity Trick

Do you know Google Gravity tricks ? how to make a Pendulum with Google Logo or How to give shake or enlarge effect. If you don’t , let’s know.

  1. Oscillating Pendulum: Click one side of Google logo and hold it up. Now shake it and watch the effect.
  2. Hit and Beat them: Simply click on any piece of element and hit others. Have fun ! Use bigger element to have more fun.
  3. Real Gravity: As gravity behavior hold one element up and leave mouse button. See the fall of element and make fun.
  4. Search blast: write anything on search box and press enter. And See the magic. Result will fall from up and drop below.
  5. Results of results:  As you know all links work So search any thing and enjoy with those search element.

Google gravity let you have some fun while working. Why should miss it? Lets enjoy the gravity fun.

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